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Video Production

Video Production





Video Production: 2Gether4SRHR Programme


TERMS OF REFERENCE (to be completed by Hiring Office)




Lesotho is one of five countries selected for the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) funded Joint UN Regional Programme on strengthening integrated sexual and reproductive health and rights/HIV (SRHR/HIV) and Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) services in East and Southern Africa to accelerate action on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 and 5—health and gender equality respectively.

The programme is aimed at scaling up the provision of quality integrated SRHR/HIV and SGBV services to reduce unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV, maternal and neonatal mortality, and SGBV amongst all people, but with a focus on women, adolescent girls, young people and key populations.

The programme is also intended to help the country to: i) develop, revise, and update the national policies, strategies, plans and ii) to support the delivery of integrated services in order to achieve national objectives and commitments to achieving the SDG global goals and aspirations. These commitments include ending AIDS epidemic and STIs by 2030, reducing preventable maternal and child deaths by 2030, achieve universal access to SRHR services and eliminate gender based violence.

One of the objectives of the programme, for Lesotho in particular is to support the government of Lesotho to empower all people, but with a focus on women, adolescent girls, young people and key populations to exercise their SRH rights, adopt protective and promotive behaviours, and access quality integrated services in a timely manner, by 2021.

There is therefore need to document the impact the programme has made on beneficiaries as well as the role of the government and UNFPA in implementation of the programme.



To produce a multimedia video clip highlighting the achievements of 2Gether 4SRHR Programme to enhance advocacy and visibility for the programme.


Scope of work:


(Description of services, activities, or outputs)

Produce a five (5) minute video highlighting the achievements of 2Gether4SRH programme, how it has changed the lives of beneficiaries and the role of the Government and UNFPA in implementation of the programme.


Specific Tasks:


Inception: the team will meet (virtually) with the UNFPA team to agree on deliverables and discuss practical arrangements including travel, identification of key people to be interviewed, shooting locations.


  • A week dedicated to shooting
  • Conduct and film interviews of beneficiaries and relevant officials

Post Production:

  • Editing and post-production of raw materials (including voice over, music, etc)
  • Add on video and photo materials from archives if necessary
  • Subtitling in Sesotho and English
  • Develop graphics, etc.  (if necessary)
  • Review and Feedback (One Day) –a draft version of the video before the final delivery will be submitted to UNFPA

Expected deliverables:

  • A five-minute video delivered on a hard drive or USB flash drive
  • Video clips on all interviewees
  • Three 3 copies of the video on DVD at full resolution
  • Still pictures of interviewees, locations, etc
  • The video should be delivered in a format that is suitable for airing on television and delivery on online social media platforms


Duration and working schedule:

This assignment including any travel is expected to take duration of three weeks starting on 16th August, 2021, completed before 03rd September, 2021


  • The first week will be for shooting
  • The second week for editing and presentation of the first draft
  • The third week for finalisation and submission of the final product
  • Interviews will be conducted in Maseru and Mokhotlong districts

Place where services are to be delivered:

  • UNFPA Office, Maseru, Lesotho

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):

The Producer will be expected to:


  • Deliver the first draft on the second week of engagement for review by UNFPA.
  • Deliver the final product by 03rd September, 2021


Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

The Producer will be required to provide regular updates through one-on-one meetings, e-mails or telephonically.


Supervisory arrangements:

The Producer will be supervised by and report to the UNFPA Communication Assistant and SRHR Coordinator  

Expected travel:

The Producer is expected to undertake travel to Mokhotlong and within Maseru to conduct interviews and for shooting.


Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:

The Producer must meet the following minimum criteria:

  • Experience in producing videos/documentaries
  • Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure to produce videos
  • Be willing to work on weekends

Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g support services, office space, equipment), if applicable:

UNFPA will provide the following additional information:


  • Documents on 2Gether4SRHR programme
  • Relevant pictures where necessary


Other relevant information or special conditions, if any:


All the materials produced will remain the property of UNFPA.



Signature of Requesting Officer in Hiring Office:





Signature of Approving Officer

