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calendar_today 09 April 2024

Young People Dialogue on ICPD
Young People Dialogue on ICPD

Young people in their diversity who converged in Maseru, Lesotho for a Youth Dialogue on the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) have called for amendment of the Computer Crime and Cyber Security Bill of 2022 against sexual offenses that take place particularly online as they affect adolescents and young women.

The young people, who included herd boys, young adolescents, young people with disability, young people living with HIV, LGBTQI community, adolescent mothers and young people out of school, also urged policy makers to harmonize laws that would criminalize child marriage, and contribute towards the reduction of all forms of Gender Based Violence (GBV) against women and children.

During the dialogue held in Maseru on 18th March, 2024, the young people encouraged their peers to get knowledge of SRHR to become active agents of change and teach other young people and different communities about SRHR to confront stigmatization related to, among others, the use of contraceptives.

Welcoming the young people, UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund Representative to Lesotho Mr. Innocent Modisaotsile highlighted that 2024 is a special year for UNFPA and all organizations that are involved in SRHR as the world celebrates 30 years of the ICPD and for the Kingdom of Lesotho as it celebrates 200 years of its existence.

He explained to the young people the origins of the ICPD and its processes including the upcoming Global Youth Dialogue which will be held on 04-05 April in Benin, where young people will reflect on their experiences and the world that they want. He said the findings of their dialogue will be expected to be reflected during the 57th Commission on Population and Development to be held in New York which will also review progress in the promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and equality between men and women, and subsequently, the summit of the future to be held in September which will be looking at the vision beyond 2030.

“This process is important because we want the voices of young people in Lesotho to be heard. We want voices of the herd boys, young adolescents, young people living with HIV and the LGBTIQ to influence the outcome of these gatherings,” he emphasised.

The young people who moderated the dialogue that looked into different sectors of the ICPD including; SRHR, GBV, HIV, climate change, menstrual health, digital and technology aspects, presented consolidated recommendations for implementation by them as youth, policy makers and their communities.

The Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho was represented by the Ministry of Gender, Youth and Social Development as well as the Ministry of Education and Training. Representatives of both ministries acknowledged the importance of the ICPD and outlined challenges faced by youth such as Gender Based Violence, Child Marriage, Teenage Preganancies and HIV. They also emphasised the importance of fulfilling the unfinished business of the ICPD Program of Action.

Next in line as part of commemorating 30 years of the ICPD will be; key government ministries and Civil Society Organisations Forum, a Parliamentarians’ Social Cluster Portfolio Committee Forum to sensitise the Committee and lastly, a National Dialogue on ICPD with key stakeholders; adolescents and young people, civil society organisations, government ministries, and parliamentarians. This forum will consolidate opinions and suggestions made in the previous meetings.